Monday, January 14, 2008
The media is excluding candidates from the debates. AGAIN!
At first it seemed the debates and the so-called monitors focused only on the top three candidates in each party. There was no attempt to evenly distribute the time allowed. Then came the "loaded" questions and plants in the audience with "select" questions. The monitors as well as some of the candidates at Fox GOP debate showed just how juvenile they can be when Ron Paul tries to make a point and they laugh.
Lately it's been the media (IE..ABC/Disney, Fox & now NBC/GE) that want to exclude viable candidates. These media outlets and their pundits are trying to select your candidates and manipulate the public perception of exactly who is viable and electable with words and polls.
The people should be up in arms, out in the streets, making phone calls, sending emails and writing letters threatening to boycott the networks and their sponsors!
The MSM has barely covered this manipulation of OUR Democratic process.
However some of the internet media and some of the blogs have links to lists of contacts to complain and raise hell.
Here are some links..
@Alternet (1) MSNBC Uninvites Kucinich to Vegas Debate
(2)This is way out of hand
(3)Boycott Disney and GE
(4) more articles @ HuffoPo
At first what pissed me off was that Kucinich was being excluded (again) from Jan. 15 debate in Las Vegas but it should be a concern to everyone or your candidate could be next. We have already lost some good people like Chris Dodd, Bill Richardson and Joe Biden(not my candidate of choice but still ).
I don't even want the "business as usual" or the "go any way the wind blows" candidates to be selected by the feakin' media.
How about YOU?
Take action, please...
edit/update 1/21/08
Here We Go Again...Dammit..
from Crooks and Liars..
"CNN has decided to not include Dennis Kucinich, just as ABC and MSNBC did earlier this month. The GOP will be debating twice between now and the end of the month, it will be interesting to see if Rudy Giuliani, who has been getting schooled by Ron Paul, will be allowed to participate…"
At first it seemed the debates and the so-called monitors focused only on the top three candidates in each party. There was no attempt to evenly distribute the time allowed. Then came the "loaded" questions and plants in the audience with "select" questions. The monitors as well as some of the candidates at Fox GOP debate showed just how juvenile they can be when Ron Paul tries to make a point and they laugh.
Lately it's been the media (IE..ABC/Disney, Fox & now NBC/GE) that want to exclude viable candidates. These media outlets and their pundits are trying to select your candidates and manipulate the public perception of exactly who is viable and electable with words and polls.
The people should be up in arms, out in the streets, making phone calls, sending emails and writing letters threatening to boycott the networks and their sponsors!
The MSM has barely covered this manipulation of OUR Democratic process.
However some of the internet media and some of the blogs have links to lists of contacts to complain and raise hell.
Here are some links..
@Alternet (1) MSNBC Uninvites Kucinich to Vegas Debate
(2)This is way out of hand
(3)Boycott Disney and GE
(4) more articles @ HuffoPo
At first what pissed me off was that Kucinich was being excluded (again) from Jan. 15 debate in Las Vegas but it should be a concern to everyone or your candidate could be next. We have already lost some good people like Chris Dodd, Bill Richardson and Joe Biden(not my candidate of choice but still ).
I don't even want the "business as usual" or the "go any way the wind blows" candidates to be selected by the feakin' media.
How about YOU?
Take action, please...
edit/update 1/21/08
Here We Go Again...Dammit..
from Crooks and Liars..
"CNN has decided to not include Dennis Kucinich, just as ABC and MSNBC did earlier this month. The GOP will be debating twice between now and the end of the month, it will be interesting to see if Rudy Giuliani, who has been getting schooled by Ron Paul, will be allowed to participate…"