Wednesday, October 28, 2009
3 Stooges
What do John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Harry Reid have in common?
All three of these dildos voted for the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, the illegal occupation of Iraq & Afghanistan and to support Bush's illegal wiretapping program followed by telecom immunity. They weren't alone otherwise these assaults on the Constitution and civil liberties wouldn't have passed and there is plenty of blame to pass around.
The McCain bill opposes Net Neutrality. It's one of those bizarro bills with a name that says exactly the opposite. "The Freedom of Information Act" would block the FCC from protecting Net Neutrality .
McCain's bestus bud Lieberman tried to pull the same shit with "America's Climate Security Act" which doesn't have anything to do with Climate Security, just a divisive way to pour more taxpayer dollars into nuclear power. That bill died in the Senate, unfortunately Lieberman did not.
This is AGAIN one of those situations where the reps proposing a bill or sitting on a committee are NOT qualified to do either. During the '08 campaign John McCain was asked "MAC or PC" and stated he was "illiterate" and that he relied on his wife to use the internet.
He has demonstrated that he is very disconnected from the real world.
Should he even be proposing bills or sitting on committees?
Reminds me of Ted "series of tubes"Stevens.
Should he still be in public office?
Joe Lieberman threatens to filibuster health care reform. There are many in the line of obstructionists but Lieberman stands out as the guy who most likely stab you in the back to get more time in front of a camera. A totally corrupt political narcissist. Lieberman's wife lobbies for big pharma and Lieberman has an overwhelming amount of campaign contributions from the health care and pharmaceutical industries. Evan Bayh also opposes the public option, maybe because his wife sits on the board at Wellpoint.
Legalized corruption and bribery?
Harry Reid needs a testosterone supplement. He is supposed to lead but all he does is cower to the obstructionists. He won't stand up to the most ignorant of Republicans or even his own parties "Blue Dogs". The first rule of dog training is that you have to be smarter than the dog.
Dems have the votes and the power but Reid is shooting blanks.
With this kind representation we certainly won't see progressive change like a universal health care plan or an exit strategy OUT of Afghanistan.
We the people need a new plan and new progressive representation.
We need to vote out the washed up "old guards" and start fresh.
We need some real change.
All three of these dildos voted for the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, the illegal occupation of Iraq & Afghanistan and to support Bush's illegal wiretapping program followed by telecom immunity. They weren't alone otherwise these assaults on the Constitution and civil liberties wouldn't have passed and there is plenty of blame to pass around.
The McCain bill opposes Net Neutrality. It's one of those bizarro bills with a name that says exactly the opposite. "The Freedom of Information Act" would block the FCC from protecting Net Neutrality .
McCain's bestus bud Lieberman tried to pull the same shit with "America's Climate Security Act" which doesn't have anything to do with Climate Security, just a divisive way to pour more taxpayer dollars into nuclear power. That bill died in the Senate, unfortunately Lieberman did not.
This is AGAIN one of those situations where the reps proposing a bill or sitting on a committee are NOT qualified to do either. During the '08 campaign John McCain was asked "MAC or PC" and stated he was "illiterate" and that he relied on his wife to use the internet.
He has demonstrated that he is very disconnected from the real world.
Should he even be proposing bills or sitting on committees?
Reminds me of Ted "series of tubes"Stevens.
Should he still be in public office?
Joe Lieberman threatens to filibuster health care reform. There are many in the line of obstructionists but Lieberman stands out as the guy who most likely stab you in the back to get more time in front of a camera. A totally corrupt political narcissist. Lieberman's wife lobbies for big pharma and Lieberman has an overwhelming amount of campaign contributions from the health care and pharmaceutical industries. Evan Bayh also opposes the public option, maybe because his wife sits on the board at Wellpoint.
Legalized corruption and bribery?
Harry Reid needs a testosterone supplement. He is supposed to lead but all he does is cower to the obstructionists. He won't stand up to the most ignorant of Republicans or even his own parties "Blue Dogs". The first rule of dog training is that you have to be smarter than the dog.
Dems have the votes and the power but Reid is shooting blanks.
With this kind representation we certainly won't see progressive change like a universal health care plan or an exit strategy OUT of Afghanistan.
We the people need a new plan and new progressive representation.
We need to vote out the washed up "old guards" and start fresh.
We need some real change.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
We hope we can
Feds to issue new medical marijuana policy
"WASHINGTON – Federal drug agents won't pursue pot-smoking patients or their sanctioned suppliers in states that allow medical marijuana, under new legal guidelines to be issued Monday by the Obama administration.

Perhaps a new direction..
"WASHINGTON – Federal drug agents won't pursue pot-smoking patients or their sanctioned suppliers in states that allow medical marijuana, under new legal guidelines to be issued Monday by the Obama administration.
Two Justice Department officials described the new policy to The Associated Press, saying prosecutors will be told it is not a good use of their time to arrest people who use or provide medical marijuana in strict compliance with state law...."

Perhaps a new direction..
Friday, October 02, 2009
Knee Jerk Legislation
Knee Jerk Legislation may also come to be known as, legislation passed by jerks...
Last month Congress and the Senate voted to pull ACORN funding.
On Sept. 15, 2009 HR 3571 the "Defund ACORN Act" swept through the halls of congress.
And this may open a brand new can-o-worms... Stay tuned...
from Politico..
"Seizing on an issue that has been trumpeted by conservative media, Republican congressional leaders have launched an all-out campaign to choke off any federal dollars from going to ACORN, the scandal-plagued anti-poverty group."
Here is the joke, funny stuff really, two yoots dressed up as a pimp and his ho go to several ACORN offices asking for tax advise with a hidden video cam. Some ACORN employees either didn't get the joke or were just playing along or they were just stoopid but they were fired after the videos surfaced and the proverbial shit hit the fan.
A right wing dominated media was all over this story about the "liberal activists" at ACORN with the most god fearin', family values circus of repubs shouting from their soapbox.
Cause they was talkin' bout prostitutes and children.
The repubs have had their panties in bunch since Obama was elected. ACORN is considered to be Community Organizers with a liberal agenda. Well at least that seems to be what the repubs think when ACORN helps with voter registration and a black guy gets elected. If you don't think this lunacy is driven by racism, then you ain't thinkin'.
The McCain & Palin campaign tried unsuccessfully to accuse ACORN of perpetrating "massive voter fraud."
While the repubs jumped at the chance to accuse, investigate and defund ACORN, a lot of dems can be accused of piling on.
But here is where it gets interesting, the language of the bill used to defund ACORN was written so it applies to "any organization" that has been charged with breaking federal or state election laws, lobbying disclosure laws, campaign finance laws or filing fraudulent paperwork with any federal or state agency and that my friends includes some very heinous contractors in the defense business. Yes the defense business that is fraught with fraud, waste and overcharges.
Oh yeah, this could bring down some of the most insidious of the military industrial complex.
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla) has started a movement, "Help Rep.Grayson Find Fraud" that has a list of names developing for those corporate entities that are guilty of trying defraud the government. You can add to the list as one poster did with a link to POGO (Project on Government Oversight) and their list of the Top 100 violators.
Here is a sample...
1. Lockheed Martin $34234.9m 50 $ 577.2m
2. Boeing Company $24304.9m 31 $1561.4m
3. Northrop Grumman $18506.5m 27 $ 790.4m
4. General Dynamics $14687.7m 9 $ 63.2m
5. Raytheon Company $12233.2m 17 $ 475.8m
6. BAE Systems $10119.2m 3 $ 1.3m
7. L-3 Communications $6802.2m 5 $ 41.3m
8. United Technologies Corporation $5874.1m 13 $ 383.0m
9. SAIC $5230.9m 10 $ 14.5m
10. KBR $4872.5m 18 $ 103.0m
Rachel Maddow covers the lunacy of the Republican Party, their desperate attempts to destroy ACORN and how this bill ropes in the worst of the worst, guilty of not just fraud but murder and child prostitution.
Hats off to Rachel and Jeremy Scahill for bringing the heat.
I would encourage everyone to keep an eye on this story as it develops.
It could go a number of different ways. What concerns me the most is that ACORN was a partisan target but as the list shows there are plenty of others that are way more guilty on a much grander scale. Congress and the Senate have shown repeatedly how corrupted they are by corporate campaign donations. Will they pursue the any and all or will they yank the bill, reword it and put the partisan focus on just ACORN?
I would also hope that an investigation develops into the pimp and his ho (James O'Keefe and his partner Hannah Giles) and their connection to Andrew Breitbart @ for releasing the expose that put ACORN in the soup.
Last month Congress and the Senate voted to pull ACORN funding.
On Sept. 15, 2009 HR 3571 the "Defund ACORN Act" swept through the halls of congress.
And this may open a brand new can-o-worms... Stay tuned...
from Politico..
"Seizing on an issue that has been trumpeted by conservative media, Republican congressional leaders have launched an all-out campaign to choke off any federal dollars from going to ACORN, the scandal-plagued anti-poverty group."
Here is the joke, funny stuff really, two yoots dressed up as a pimp and his ho go to several ACORN offices asking for tax advise with a hidden video cam. Some ACORN employees either didn't get the joke or were just playing along or they were just stoopid but they were fired after the videos surfaced and the proverbial shit hit the fan.
A right wing dominated media was all over this story about the "liberal activists" at ACORN with the most god fearin', family values circus of repubs shouting from their soapbox.
Cause they was talkin' bout prostitutes and children.
The repubs have had their panties in bunch since Obama was elected. ACORN is considered to be Community Organizers with a liberal agenda. Well at least that seems to be what the repubs think when ACORN helps with voter registration and a black guy gets elected. If you don't think this lunacy is driven by racism, then you ain't thinkin'.
The McCain & Palin campaign tried unsuccessfully to accuse ACORN of perpetrating "massive voter fraud."
While the repubs jumped at the chance to accuse, investigate and defund ACORN, a lot of dems can be accused of piling on.
But here is where it gets interesting, the language of the bill used to defund ACORN was written so it applies to "any organization" that has been charged with breaking federal or state election laws, lobbying disclosure laws, campaign finance laws or filing fraudulent paperwork with any federal or state agency and that my friends includes some very heinous contractors in the defense business. Yes the defense business that is fraught with fraud, waste and overcharges.
Oh yeah, this could bring down some of the most insidious of the military industrial complex.
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla) has started a movement, "Help Rep.Grayson Find Fraud" that has a list of names developing for those corporate entities that are guilty of trying defraud the government. You can add to the list as one poster did with a link to POGO (Project on Government Oversight) and their list of the Top 100 violators.
Here is a sample...
1. Lockheed Martin $34234.9m 50 $ 577.2m
2. Boeing Company $24304.9m 31 $1561.4m
3. Northrop Grumman $18506.5m 27 $ 790.4m
4. General Dynamics $14687.7m 9 $ 63.2m
5. Raytheon Company $12233.2m 17 $ 475.8m
6. BAE Systems $10119.2m 3 $ 1.3m
7. L-3 Communications $6802.2m 5 $ 41.3m
8. United Technologies Corporation $5874.1m 13 $ 383.0m
9. SAIC $5230.9m 10 $ 14.5m
10. KBR $4872.5m 18 $ 103.0m
Rachel Maddow covers the lunacy of the Republican Party, their desperate attempts to destroy ACORN and how this bill ropes in the worst of the worst, guilty of not just fraud but murder and child prostitution.
Hats off to Rachel and Jeremy Scahill for bringing the heat.
I would encourage everyone to keep an eye on this story as it develops.
It could go a number of different ways. What concerns me the most is that ACORN was a partisan target but as the list shows there are plenty of others that are way more guilty on a much grander scale. Congress and the Senate have shown repeatedly how corrupted they are by corporate campaign donations. Will they pursue the any and all or will they yank the bill, reword it and put the partisan focus on just ACORN?
I would also hope that an investigation develops into the pimp and his ho (James O'Keefe and his partner Hannah Giles) and their connection to Andrew Breitbart @ for releasing the expose that put ACORN in the soup.