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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Action Alert - Open Season on Gray Wolves

The headline reads...
"Salazar Upholds Bush-era Decision to Delist Gray Wolves"

Care2 has a petition to sign that will be sent to Obama.
Here is the link if you wish to protest this action.. Care2 Action alert Petition.

Most of these petitions have a comment box giving you an opportunity to add your two cents.
And here is mine...

"I went to the DOI website and read the release. As I understand the listings go from threatened, endangered and protected. My concern is not that the wolves are taken off endangered but not still being protected. I don't believe the wolves should be hunted for sport any more than big cats or raptors. They aren't what should be considered as "game" that can or will be consumed like deer. It just seems fundamentally wrong to kill animals for sport and the trophy or the hide.
The population will remain healthy and strong only if there is a diverse genetic base and that is why I feel it is YOUR responsibility to keep them protected. If we ("the people") wanted leadership that finds it OK to slaughter wolves, we could have voted for Sarah Palin and that thought is just sickening.
I look forward to hearing from you, now please do the right thing and protect the wolves."

I have a feeling that Obama and Co is going to be on the receiving end of more complaints in the form of petitions if he refuses to listen to the people. He may need to be reminded of his campaign promises like getting out of Iraq but at the same time he opened the door for comments and concerns at Change.gov which transitioned to Whitehouse.gov.
I appreciate that they are trying to open a dialogue and present a more transparent government but that is only relevant if they actually listen.
At Change.gov the #1 issue by the people was to legalize marijuana...
Well, keep your fingers crossed and hold your breath, eh toke.. yeah, that's the ticket..

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