Wednesday, January 09, 2008
The Toxic Media
What has happened to "the news"?
The people the media calls pundits don't seem to have a clue. Some are so ignorant and uncouth that I can barely stomach their broadcast. Others have become vile perversions of journalism.
Almost everyone agrees that Fox sucks out loud and shouldn't be considered real news but they still have an audience. Perhaps some people actually find Fox News entertaining.
I think maybe Chris (Tweety)Matthews may have future there.
If you aren't watching Bill Moyers, Jack Cafferty, Keith Olberman or Jon Stewart then you may be infected by the bull shit served by the MSM.
What got me started on this rant is the manipulation of the debates.
Sure they really aren't debates but carefully scripted PR campaigns with photo ops.
What is wrong with the people at ABC/Disney that makes them think it was "OK" for them to exclude viable candidates from the debate process?
What should be an integral part of the democratic process, they chose to ignore.
How can they operate in good conscience in the USA with such blatant disregard for what should be considered a "fair & balanced" event?
If Fox News had pulled this shit I wouldn't be surprised. After all they like to use the phrase 'fair & balanced" but are the opposite.
Something like "Fox Bizarro News".
So is this the new trend for ABC News and the rest of the MSM?
Damn I hope not but if it walks like a duck.. well you know..
You know what's really amazing and very disturbing at the same time?
ABC, the talking heads and the rest of the MSM dismiss or exclude Kucinich!
He is one of three candidates that aren't mouthing the same old crap.
He seems like a good guy that wants to make serious changes in an otherwise perverted system of government. But no, they make fun of his appearance.
How superficial and hypocritical is that?
The debates he was included in didn't give him a fraction of the time they gave to Hillary (a woman) or Obama (a man of color) just because he is small in stature.
I'm just disgusted with the whole damn circus. These primaries suck and the media sucks.
How fucked up is the system and the people when polls show McCain comes in as 1st repub and Romney takes 2nd?
I mean really; when McCain tells potential voters that he’d like to stay in Iraq for 100 years and Romney who can't seem to keep his stories straight are poll winners; is this the best of the best?
Maybe this is all republicans expect, after all 25% of the sheeple still like Bush.
BTW.. I really can't stand all the polls.
The people the media calls pundits don't seem to have a clue. Some are so ignorant and uncouth that I can barely stomach their broadcast. Others have become vile perversions of journalism.
Almost everyone agrees that Fox sucks out loud and shouldn't be considered real news but they still have an audience. Perhaps some people actually find Fox News entertaining.
I think maybe Chris (Tweety)Matthews may have future there.
If you aren't watching Bill Moyers, Jack Cafferty, Keith Olberman or Jon Stewart then you may be infected by the bull shit served by the MSM.
What got me started on this rant is the manipulation of the debates.
Sure they really aren't debates but carefully scripted PR campaigns with photo ops.
What is wrong with the people at ABC/Disney that makes them think it was "OK" for them to exclude viable candidates from the debate process?
What should be an integral part of the democratic process, they chose to ignore.
How can they operate in good conscience in the USA with such blatant disregard for what should be considered a "fair & balanced" event?
If Fox News had pulled this shit I wouldn't be surprised. After all they like to use the phrase 'fair & balanced" but are the opposite.
Something like "Fox Bizarro News".
So is this the new trend for ABC News and the rest of the MSM?
Damn I hope not but if it walks like a duck.. well you know..
You know what's really amazing and very disturbing at the same time?
ABC, the talking heads and the rest of the MSM dismiss or exclude Kucinich!
He is one of three candidates that aren't mouthing the same old crap.
He seems like a good guy that wants to make serious changes in an otherwise perverted system of government. But no, they make fun of his appearance.
How superficial and hypocritical is that?
The debates he was included in didn't give him a fraction of the time they gave to Hillary (a woman) or Obama (a man of color) just because he is small in stature.
I'm just disgusted with the whole damn circus. These primaries suck and the media sucks.
How fucked up is the system and the people when polls show McCain comes in as 1st repub and Romney takes 2nd?
I mean really; when McCain tells potential voters that he’d like to stay in Iraq for 100 years and Romney who can't seem to keep his stories straight are poll winners; is this the best of the best?
Maybe this is all republicans expect, after all 25% of the sheeple still like Bush.
BTW.. I really can't stand all the polls.