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Saturday, December 18, 2004

Taxes and Social Security

Call me naive or sometimes even dumb but there are some things I just don't understand.
I was reading an article about Social Security and Taxes when my feeble mind snapped to attention; people pay taxes on Social Security as income!! Damn!! I had no idea.
Let me get a grip..
You pay taxes and social security out of your paycheck..
Paying into a fund that doesn't even reward the use of your money w/interest..
Then when you need the money as a supplement to live, it is taxed..
If you still need more money and "have" to get a part time job to survive then you will be rewarded by taxing that income also.. Counter productive..Yes?

It is looking like the social security system will fail.
Well no wonder if the pinheads in charge don't make benefit adjustments in conjunction w/the cost of living or the value of the dollar.
There is a "maximum" income amount of social security withholding!! WHY ???
There is no maximum income amount w/Medicare..
So weather you make 500k or 1 billion your social security payment maxes out around 60k?? Millionaires and billionaires presumably aren't going to need a social security stipend. So why can't they pay more like w/Medicare and bring this faltering system back to life.

Our coveluted, Big Brother serving tax system has a commode waiting on it.
This is CRAP and needs to be flushed, time to clean up and start anew.
It is time for a Flat Tax w/a minimum income exclusion. If your income is under the minimum then you pay no tax. Certainly not taking money out your pocket if your only income is Social Security. That is absurd on so many levels.
This is a proven system employed by a number of countries around the globe, and a profitable one also. The flat tax is paid on all income above that threshold and can work w/a fairly low rate, average 13-20%, therefore is more likely to be paid in full.
The rich are doing well so they pay more.
The poor aren't doing as well; so they don't pay and by not burdening them w/yet another expense there is greater chance for them to save, to grow and eventually if their income improves, also pay the flat tax.
Face it life can be difficult and Big Government shouldn't be such a burden on the people. These systems and policies should "serve and nurture its people" not cause a hardship. If the disadvantaged are supported and nurtured they stand a greater chance of eventually not being a dependent.
Contact your Politicians, Senators, Congressmen and let them know it time for change and the time is now. Be aware of any representative that refuses to change is way too comfortable with "Business as usual Politics" and is profiting at the expense of their constituents.

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